blk beverages on jonthegold dressed by the cloakroom-  black water drink and tast lifestyle - menswear blog based in antwerp

Welcome back for another  DRINK & TASTE - post .

Last time we were rightfully drinking & tasting a Scottish whisky mixed with ginger ale for my friends birthday - read last DRINK & TASTE article .

Today, let's explore something totally new and healthier then alcohol ( héhé ). Some might think it's coca-cola. Take my mother for instance, she did not trust the concept of black water for one bit. Maybe people are not ready yet. But over here at JON THE GOLD Blog we are innovators. YES! My mom & I tried blk beverages at home. We were surprised and not surprised that the taste was clean, pure and identical to your regular bottle of water. The only difference is:  My water is blk. 

  BLK ( bee • el • kay ) beverages is all-natural mineral water with 0 calories, carbs or sugar.  BLK water contains Fulvic minerals that are derived from plant matter and fulvic acid. Fulvic minerals are processed with purified, cool water to ensure the best quality. That's where blk gets it's black color from.

blk beverages on jonthegold - black water drink and tast lifestyle - menswear blog based in antwerp
blk beverages on jonthegold - black water drink and tast lifestyle - menswear blog based in antwerp
blk beverages on jonthegold - black water drink and tast lifestyle - menswear blog based in antwerp

photos are a courtesy of UPR Belgium

Thanks for visiting

Greets Jon