I got invited to the WE FASHION KICK-OFF SS 15. Where I got to see their brand new unseen collection for the first time. We got to see the ' BLUE RIDGE ' collection that is now avail' in all the WE FASHION stores.  Let me tell you it's a Kick-Ass collection. I spent a whole day at the event in UTRECHT, that's a city in the Netherlands. Marianne from ' Daily Dose of Denim ' ( a super cool online magazine that focuses on denim)  and I hopped on a train & went straight to Utrecht. 

de fabrique utrecht we fashion kick off ss 15 blue ridge

de fabrique utrecht we fashion kick off ss 15 blue ridge levis 501ct gstar raw sunglasses parka antwerp menfashion blogger
I'm wearing : DR. DENIM parka | LEVI'S 501 jeans | HERSCHEL SUPPLY backpack | ZARA boots | G-STAR RAW sunglasses 

The season kick off was held in ' DE FABRIQUE '. Where the new - since januari - WE FASHION ceo gave us a presentation about the pre-launch of their new summer/spring collection , their inspiration and their philosophy.
WE FASHION has really proven themselves as a brand & they are NOT staying behind. They decided to come out with a new perception on ready-to-wear fashion. And I really had to give an AMEN to their vision! They had the over sized T-shirts, denim overall, the long bomber - yesss, the one I wore in my ' HOT BOY ' look - long hoodies, a floral bomber jacket, the Jogger Jeans and much more stylish pieces. WE FASHION stepped their game up, for real! I was really impressed by their SS15. If you are familiar with the brand , you'd never think that WE FASHION would go so far into the urban street wear. Sometimes...No scratch that...Especially now you gotsta think outside of the box and leave your comfort zone for a minute. And that's where WE FASHION and I cross paths. In that zone where everything is long & over sized, urban with a crème of chic. 

de fabrique utrecht we fashion kick off ss 15 blue ridge menfashion
de fabrique utrecht we fashion kick off ss 15 blue ridge mensfashion
de fabrique utrecht we fashion kick off ss 15 blue ridge menfashion
de fabrique utrecht we fashion tailerd by van gils  kick off ss 15  menfashion
de fabrique utrecht we fashion tailerd by van gils  kick off ss 15  menfashion
de fabrique utrecht we fashion tailerd by van gils  kick off ss 15 menfashion
de fabrique utrecht we fashion tailerd by van gils  kick off ss 15 menfashion
de fabrique utrecht we fashion tailerd by van gils  kick off ss 15 menfashion
de fabrique utrecht we fashion tailerd by van gils  kick off ss 15 menfashion
de fabrique utrecht we fashion   kick off ss 15 dress up thursday  menfashion
de fabrique utrecht we fashion   kick off ss 15 dress up thursday menfashion
de fabrique utrecht we fashion   kick off ss 15 dress up thursday menfashion
de fabrique utrecht we fashion   kick off ss 15 dress up thursday menfashion
de fabrique utrecht we fashion   kick off ss 15 dress up thursday menfashion
de fabrique utrecht we fashion   kick off ss 15 dress up thursday menfashion
de fabrique utrecht we fashion   kick off ss 15 dress up thursday menfashion
de fabrique utrecht we fashion   kick off ss 15 dress up thursday menfashion


de fabrique utrecht we fashion   kick off ss luch break with marianne lenaerts
de fabrique utrecht we fashion   kick off ss luch chocolate donut painting

Of course we made time to take some photos whenever we saw the opportunity. Guess that's #bloglife! :-) But honestly the WE FASHION crew was so nice , receptive and appreciative of my work. Since the photo shoot with some dope pieces from them we've been collaborating...and I am an actual customer too. PLUS this kickoff session made me more of a fan.

de fabrique utrecht we fashion   kick off ss luch pink chocolate donut
de fabrique utrecht we fashion kick off session  ss 15 jumper levis 501ct menfashion
Meanwhile in the main room.
de fabrique utrecht we fashion kick off session  ss 15
de fabrique utrecht we fashion kick off session  ss 15
de fabrique utrecht we fashion kick off session  ss 15 matthias geerts matt g style
de fabrique utrecht we fashion kick off session  ss 15 team crew group marianne lenarts

They shared a story about their new concept : DRESS UP THURSDAY , you can see it as an answer to casual Friday. Loved it so much, I was thinking of joining team #dressupthursday and style some WE FASHION items that are in my closet. Wouldn't that be great ? Let me know if you want to see me flexing with that floral bomber ? Well, for those who didn't want to see it ...I'm doing it anyways haha.

Thanks for reading!
Tell your thoughts, leave a comment. ;-)

Greets Jon,

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