I'm Wearing: MANIERE DE VOIR tracksuit |  MANIERE DE VOIR tshirt |  NEW BALANCE sneakers | photography by HOYMEDIA
JONTHEGOLD | super tracksuit | maniere de voir tracksuit and tshirt with black velvet details new balance sneakers - male blogger antwerp - parking lot
JONTHEGOLD | super tracksuit | maniere de voir tracksuit and tshirt with velvet details new balance sneakers - male blogger antwerp - parking lot

This morning I had class at 8.15AM..really, on a Monday! Somebody shoot me please. I'm not a morning person nor a coffee drinker so nothing can save my Monday. Except for one person : my teacher who looks like Femke Janssens. She is every guy's milf. This morning she really saved my Monday. She gave us a survey to fill in. The conclusion of the survey came down to the fact that I was a red type of person. I seem to be more of an extroverted and proactive type.Meaning that I am a pusher, hard worker with a vision. Super nice to know. The bad side of it is that I may be dominant, intimidating with lack of patience. But hey,  everybody has flaws.
I don't know If it was entirely true but they made a point. I am indeed a pusher. I stand behind my vision & my way of seeing things is totally different . Like the french say ' manière de voir ' .

JONTHEGOLD | super tracksuit | maniere de voir tracksuit and tshirt with velvet details new balance sneakers - male blogger antwerp - parking lot
JONTHEGOLD | super tracksuit | maniere de voir tracksuit and tshirt with velvet details new balance sneakers - male blogger antwerp - parking lot
JONTHEGOLD | super tracksuit | maniere de voir tracksuit and tshirt with velvet details new balance sneakers - male blogger antwerp - parking lot
JONTHEGOLD | super tracksuit | maniere de voir tracksuit and tshirt with velvet details new balance sneakers - male blogger antwerp - parking lot
JONTHEGOLD | super tracksuit | maniere de voir tracksuit and tshirt with velvet details new balance sneakers - male blogger antwerp - parking lot

This black neoprene tracksuit with velvet details ( on the jacket & pants )  got  me feeling like I had super powers. Wearing a tracksuit automatically activates the athlete in you. This black tracksuit ensemble from Manière De Voir was the ideal sports apparel on a casual sunday - I'm not really into lazy sundays. An outfit in which you can feel free to jump and move in , as much as you want. The black velvet details are what I dig the most about this tracksuit. Simple , sporty and fly. You are probably wondering from where are this energy is coming from? Well, I'm just an very energetic mood these days. I want to scream, jump and if i could I would fly. That's my current mood now. Or should we blame it on the post-exam era. The end of the year is near!! Are we students ready for what is about to come ?? I am prepping for it, at least mentally.

Thanks for reading! ;-) 
Tell me your thoughts, comment bellow . 

Greets Jon,